Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Badam Halwa

  Hi all,

 Happy to see you all with yet another delicious sweet recipe,badam halwa.I had a strong opinion that  halwa is one dish which only  experts can make. I thought it is a tedious job and it takes a lot of our effort as it requires continuous stirring.But it is by far the easiest sweet I have ever made.Ever since my husband tasted badam halwa in saravana bhavan,he was asking(?) (eh pestering) me to make it at home.I succeeded in dodging a couple of times(because I was quite egoistic to admit that I am scared of trying as I feared that I might not succeed in the attempt.) but finally I had a to make it one day.And not bad,infact it came pretty good,oh no very good, hmm it was excellent .Lol!.I think the hype is good enough to get you to try my recipe !!

Ingredients :

1 cup heaped
½  cup or ¾ for sweet tooth
¼ cup
¼ cup
Elaichi  powder
A pinch
Saffron /kesari colour
A pinch for colour

Method :

1) Soak the Almond in hot water for 1/2 an hour and peel the skin.
2) Grind it to a smooth thick paste by adding milk little by little.
3) Add sugar in a pan and add little water till the sugar is all wet in water.
4) Keep stirring until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture just starts to boil.
5) Add the badam mixture now and keep stirring continuously.Mix kesari food colour in a tsp of milk and add to the mixture.
6) Keep stirring till you an see the mixture boiling slightly.
7) At this stage start adding ghee little by little say  2 Tbsp at a time  and keep stirring the mixture.
8) You will reach a point where you can see the bottom of the pan while stirring and the mixture is coming together.( If not,add ghee again and keep stirring till you reach this stage)
9) Switch of the flame .Decorate the halwa with saffron strands and serve it warm :).


1) Keep stirring the mixture now and then when boiling or else it might stick to the pan.
2) Anytime you feel the consistency is loose you can again transfer  the mixture to the pan, add a tbsp of ghee and stir it till you get the correct consistency.The shortest way for this is to microwave it for 3 to 4 min depending on the settings of  your microwave. If the power settings are high, take out every 2 mins give a stir and then keep it again for a min if necessary.

Read more "Badam Halwa"